Saturday 19 July 2014

Oh For Fuck's Sake...

...I appear to have started yet another blog after all but abandoning the last, akin to a child that gets bored of  the toy you got them for Christmas which you had to sell your dignity for; it is likely this will not be the last.  On reflection, it does seem a little futile to keep writing blogs when the internet has long since descended into image macros and six-second long videos where users flock to slake their boredom, oh well.

Anyway, with that cheery intro behind me, this one will focus on music, because that dead horse hasn't been flogged until nothing remains but offal and chunks.  What's going to be so different about this one, is the real question isn't it?  I honestly cannot answer that, because the only real exposure I've had to online music publications is, but we all know the staff and reviewers are largely comprised of elitist hipster berks so I guess that statement is a little redundant*.

Over the coming weeks/months/however long this lasts you can expect to see me sporadically churn out reviews of albums that came out ages ago that no one cares about, recount concert experiences that will no doubt be exhaustively detailed and maybe even the odd name-drop of some more local bands; expect away, my internet chums.

As for now, it is too damn hot for my brain to function correctly, which is a wholly justified and very British excuse for laziness.

Don't bother watching this space; words will not magically appear; after all this isn't Buzzfeed**.  Here's an unrelated image to tide you over:

It is also my name, who knew?

- S.

*No apologies, I really do dislike Pitchfork.
**I do enjoy Buzzfeed though, sorry.

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